New year, new you!

With 2023 now in full swing, I hope you’ve had time to rest and reflect on the past year. Self-reflection is needed for growth and maturity. History will often repeat itself if we don’t learn from ours or others’ mistakes. Mindset changes is often the hard inner work we can start on right now, in order to help ready us for change. I believe that if we can change our thoughts, we can change our life.

I love this picture of my nephew so much. At just 6 months old, he’s got such a strong core. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby do this at his young age. It’s just so motivating and speaks to me that I can also do new and hard things. No one would ever tell a baby that they cannot sit or walk or talk. Babies are ALL potential. We have to speak into who they can become and what they are capable of, our belief in their capabilities to learn and grow gives them the confidence to try, fall down, and try again till proficient.

What if we speak to ourselves the same way? When did we start to question our potential for change, and feared doing new and hard things? If we believe we can, it can help drive us to try, and getting started is often the hardest part. If you have a goal of improving your health through proper nutrition and physical activity, it starts with our thoughts. Say to yourself that you are capable of change, and that things do not need to remain the same. Take those baby steps and see for yourself that you are capable of learning and doing new, and even hard things. I feel our human potential is unlocked with our mindset shift. Cheers to a new year, and a new you!


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