Why nutrition coaching?
I’m sure you’ve heard of this African proverb:
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
I’d like to update this quote to:
If you want to go slow, go alone. If you want to go fast and far, go together!
See what I did there? Hehe. I think nutrition coaching and counselling goes hand in hand with going fast and going far. When we seek help from experts, you are literally taking a short cut and levelling up on your knowledge and insight. You’re paying someone for their years of experience, credentials, and insight into areas that may be your blind spots.
We learn in 2 main ways, through pain and through insight from others. If someone else has gone through the lessons and can offer you the lessons they learnt over time, you will not only save on time in learning by yourself, you avoid pain in learning it the hard way sometimes. Which is why the wealthy always hire out consultants and experts in many areas of life, because they value time, and money is a tool that helps them keep more of the time they have.
We all have a limited time in this one precious life. What do you want to focus your time on? Nutrition coaching is like investing in protecting your future health and time by laying a healthy foundation now. I love helping people achieve nutrition goals they did not think was possible, and I love helping families turn meal time disasters into happier, more relaxed ones, where loved ones are connected and enjoying meals together. If you’re mealtime dynamics is hurting your connection with your child, book a discovery call with me and see if you’re someone who I can help.
What got you here won’t get you there unfortunately. Don’t go at it alone!